Nekura Shoujo wa Kuro Mahou de Koi wo Suru
Known as Kuro Mahou, Soraguchi Maho delves into black magic as her peculiar hobby. Despite her sharp wit in private, she struggles with social interactions, oscillating between fierce confidence at home and meekness in public. One fateful day, Maho taps into a grimoire's power and summons a demon to exact revenge on her peers by requesting beauty. The demon's condition for granting her wish is steep: her heart as payment and a prohibition on love. Naively agreeing to the terms, Maho anticipates a content life with her newfound appearance. Yet, the outcome proves far from ideal. Within the school's backdrop, a heartwarming romantic comedy unfolds, centering on a melancholic girl. This tale, recognized with the MF Bunko J newcomer award, delves into Maho's transformative journey.