Madan no Ou to Seisen no Carnwenhan
Tigur, a skilled archer serving under Eren, the valiant princess of Lightmeritz, finds himself alongside Lim, Eren's loyal lieutenant, stranded in the heart of Asvar, an enemy territory that has invaded Zystart unexpectedly. In this dire situation, they encounter Princess Guinevere of Asvar, who reveals a fantastical tale of Artorius, the ancient founder of Asvar, miraculously resurrected after three centuries to seize control of the nation swiftly. Despite the incredulity of this narrative, Tigur and his comrades decide to align with Princess Guinevere. Their resolve is tested when they face off against a mysterious figure, a formidable archer surpassing Tigur in skill, who dubs Tigur as 'the king of this era.' Amidst the unfamiliar landscapes of a foreign land, Tigur and Lim must confront a formidable adversary unlike any they have encountered before.