Ouritsu Mahou Gakuen no Saikasei: Hikongai Agari no Saikyou Mahoushi, Kizoku Darake no Gakuen de Musou Suru

Ouritsu Mahou Gakuen no Saikasei: Hikongai Agari no Saikyou Mahoushi, Kizoku Darake no Gakuen de Musou Suru


In a world where magic is a revered enigma reserved for the select few, a young slum dweller named Arus stumbles upon his innate magical abilities. Taken under the wing of the renowned sorcerer Genos Willzard, Arus is honed into a formidable assassin. However, his fate takes a sudden turn when Genos tasks him with a peculiar mission: to join the prestigious Magic Academy. What adventures await Arus in this unfamiliar realm of spellcasters and secrets?

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