Ie Tsukuri Skill de Isekai wo Ikinobiro
In a world hard to fathom, follows the fantasy saga of Kurisu, a diligent girl from a secluded background. Upon discovering her unique talent, the House Building Skill, Kurisu recalls her past life as Kurisu Niina, a native of Japan. Motivated by this revelation, she embarks on a daring journey to become an adventurer, eventually reaching the intricate city of Garel. Eager to construct her own abode and relish solitary living, she faces a setback when authorities forbid foreigners from permanent residence. Undeterred, Kurisu resolves to craft a mobile home, transforming a used carriage into her dream dwelling. Thus unfolds the tale of a resolute girl navigating a foreign realm, reliant on her ingenuity and perseverance for survival.