Genshin Comic Anthology
A manga collection inspired by the popular game Genshin Impact, featuring various stories like 'Hakua and Gaitou' by Azuma Kouji, 'Hu Tao Wants to be Liked by Qiqi!' by Manarou, 'The Boss is Always in a Difficult Position' by Kyo zip, 'Culinary Strategy!' by Sofura, 'Fire Friends!' by Takahara Yu, 'A Stroll with a Sky Whale' by Winuwi, 'Consulting a Certain Princess' by Amamiya Yuki, 'The Conclusion of a Certain Day' by Aku, 'What Lies Beneath that Mask' by Gyouza Nuko, 'It's Good to Travel with a Traveler!' by Coyucomu, 'Ganyu's Job' by Hattori Masaki, and 'Please Eat!' by Kurono Yuu.