Red Hood
Within a realm teeming with fantastical beings and fearsome monsters, the Hunters Guild stands as a formidable organization of mercenaries who tackle perilous missions to vanquish these creatures for a price. Despite whispers of the guild's avarice, their success in completing assignments remains unparalleled. When a remote village grapples with a man-eating werewolf terrorizing its inhabitants, the mayor enlists a hunter to eliminate the threat. Enter Grimm, a diminutive yet skilled hunter whose youthful appearance sparks skepticism among the villagers. Nevertheless, they cling to hope that she will uphold the guild's renown. Venturing into the haunted woods is Velou, orphaned by a werewolf attack in his childhood, yearning to partake in the hunt but deemed too green. Fate intervenes as he guides Grimm through the treacherous forests, culminating in a showdown against the werewolf that earns him an unexpected invitation to join the Hunters Guild. Despite his allure for eradicating such creatures, Velou remains torn between his ambitions and his village's safety. Determined to expand the guild's ranks, Grimm sets out to allay his concerns and pave the path for a new generation of hunters.