Kidou Senshi Gundam AGE
In the year A.G. 101, a mysterious force labeled as 'UE' strikes the space colony Angel, leading to its destruction and sparking humanity's fight for survival. This tragic event, dubbed 'The Day the Angel Fell', sets the stage for a relentless war. Fast forward to A.G. 108, the UE target the Ovan colony where Flit Asuno resides with his mother. Tragically, Flit's mother falls victim to the UE assault, but in her possessions, Flit uncovers the plans for a legendary weapon of old - the fabled Gundam. Driven by this discovery, Flit immerses himself in engineering studies at an Earth Federation facility on the Nora space colony, eventually crafting the formidable AGE-1 Gundam. As A.G. 115 dawns, Flit finalizes his creation, just as the UE launch an attack on Nora. Thus begins Flit's saga, inheriting the mantle of his ancestors as he pilots the AGE-1 Gundam to safeguard humanity.