Torokeru Kuchibiru
Ryo Aihara, a CEO of a thriving production company, presents a facade of populism while grappling with a sense of isolation due to his lack of romantic entanglements. After a night of revelry with a client leaves him inebriated in an alley, a mysterious man in sunglasses engages him in a flirtatious manner, mistaking Ryo for someone else. In a bold move, Ryo decides to play along and surprises the man with a sudden kiss. The next day, Ryo discovers the man is actually Riku Amamiya, a famous actor resembling a certain celebrity Ryo criticized the night before. As their unexpected connection deepens, a clandestine romance blossoms amidst the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry, bridging the gap between a charismatic young actor and a business-minded executive seeking fulfillment beyond his professional success.