Kisaragi-san wa Gankoukeikei
Haruki Satou, a carefree high school sophomore with a passion for soccer and fun, finds himself intrigued by Nozomu Kisaragi, his enigmatic classmate known for her concealed face behind long bangs. Since their first encounter in school, Haruki has been captivated by the mystery of Nozomu's hidden visage. One day, a casual act of opening a window unleashes a gust of wind, uncovering Nozomu's striking gaze and beauty, shattering Haruki's expectations. Flustered by this unexpected revelation, Nozomu discloses her reason for keeping her appearance veiled. Despite her intimidating facade, Haruki discovers that Nozomu embodies his ideal type, igniting his admiration and prompting him to pursue her affections. Thus commences Haruki's journey of drawing closer to Nozomu with the hope of eventually declaring his love.