Ashita no Sekai de Hoshi wa Kirameku

Ashita no Sekai de Hoshi wa Kirameku


In a world devastated by chaos, the tale unfurls with two young girls at its core. Yuki Minato, labeled a 'witch' due to peculiar circumstances, continues to grapple with her dark past even amidst her high school days. However, as the apocalypse strikes on the second day of school, the streets teem with lifeless figures and animated corpses, signaling humanity's impending doom. Surviving through a month of turmoil, Yuki clings to a mystical inheritance from her absent father. Venturing out for provisions one day amidst the eerie landscape, she encounters a gunshot on her return journey. Despite the desolation of the once-thriving town, memories of a kindred spirit from the past stir within Yuki, compelling her to aid the shooter. To her surprise, the individual in need is none other than her long-lost friend, Honoka Sakaki. United by Honoka's enigmatic objective, the duo forges a pact to navigate the forsaken world together, yet challenges loom ahead...

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