Choujikuu Yousai Macross "Gekijouban": Ai Oboete Imasu ka
In the year 2009, humanity finds itself entangled in a fierce conflict against two factions of colossal humanoid aliens known as the Zentraedi and Meltrandi. The colossal space fortress Macross embarks on a journey back to Earth after a spatial leap, bringing along a section of South Atalia Island. Amidst a confrontation with the Zentraedi, young pilot Hikaru Ichijo saves the popular singer Lynn Minmay, sparking a bond as they navigate the depths of the ship together. However, their reunion in Macross City is short-lived as Minmay gets abducted by the Zentraedi, leading Hikaru and officer Misa Hayase back to a devastated Earth. In the midst of the ruins, a long-lost melody and Minmay's voice emerge as the pivotal elements that could tip the scales in the ongoing interstellar conflict.