Mizu Zokusei no Mahou Tsukai
Reborn in the enchanting realm of Phi, Ryo anticipates a tranquil existence honing his water magic skills. Yet, fate steers him into a tumultuous journey against savage landscapes and lethal creatures. Despite the harrowing trials, Ryo's unwavering optimism, wit, and the enigmatic 'Eternal Youth' ability sustain him through decades of perilous encounters, propelling him towards mastering supreme human sorcery. Unbeknownst to him, this is merely the prologue of his epic saga. A serendipitous rendezvous propels Ryo into a pivotal role in shaping history, setting him on a path where his unparalleled talents unfold gradually. Thus commences the chronicles of the most formidable water sorcerer, renowned for his nonchalant approach towards life and magic.