Isshou Hatarakitakunai Ore ga Classmate no Daininki Idol ni Natsukaretara
In the same high school class, Rintaro Shido, a student with house-husband aspirations, crosses paths with Rei Otosaki, the charming center of the idol group 'Millefeuille Stars.' Their worlds collide when Rintaro cooks a meal for a famished Rei, leading to an unexpected proposition: a monthly payment in exchange for daily dining companionship. Thus begins their unconventional relationship resembling a couple sharing a home. As Rintaro struggles to navigate the boundaries with Rei, secrets and vulnerabilities unfold within the confines of his living space. Witness the comedic and heartwarming tale of their quasi-cohabitation, blending romance and laughter in the presence of a captivating idol, sure to stir emotions and excitement.