Boku no Kawaii Musume wa Futago no Kenja: Tokugi ga Debuff no Teihen Kuro Madoushi, Sodateta Futago no Musume ga S-Rank no Daikenja ni Natte Shimau

Boku no Kawaii Musume wa Futago no Kenja: Tokugi ga Debuff no Teihen Kuro Madoushi, Sodateta Futago no Musume ga S-Rank no Daikenja ni Natte Shimau


Elcan, a dark wizard, gets ousted from his group for his lack of prowess in offensive spells. While wandering, he stumbles upon abandoned twins, sparking a newfound purpose. Choosing to forego adventuring, he adopts the girls, Corona and Selena, teaching them the ways of dark magic and enrolling them in a renowned wizarding school. When the girls discover their exceptional potential as S-rank Sages, they propose forming a party with their father, setting the stage for a thrilling new journey of familial bonds and magical discoveries.

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