Super no Ura de Yani Suu Futari
In the midst of his monotonous job, middle-aged Sasaki finds solace in the bright smile of Yamada, a young woman working at a nearby 24-hour supermarket. Their daily encounters after Sasaki's exhausting workdays become a source of rejuvenation for him. One evening, arriving at the store seeking Yamada's uplifting presence, he is disheartened to discover her absence. As he lingers outside, a bold and mischievous woman named Tayama invites him to share a smoke. Tayama, who works behind the scenes, teasingly exposes Sasaki's admiration for Yamada. Now, Sasaki frequents the store not only to catch glimpses of Yamada but also to engage in conversations with the daring Tayama. As their unconventional bond deepens over shared cigarettes, Tayama's playful facade slowly unravels to reveal unexpected depths, fostering an unlikely friendship between them.