Souchi no Bohimei
In the twilight of the Edo era, Japan succumbs to vampires' influence, compelling it to embrace the world beyond its borders. Amidst this upheaval in 1853, Hayato, a disillusioned ex-Shinsengumi member, faces betrayal by his comrades. Serendipitously, an amnesiac vampire girl, Hearse, crosses his path. Determined on vengeance, Hayato pledges servitude to Hearse, forsaking his humanity. Meanwhile, European and American heroes converge to pursue Hearse, wielding their own deadly legacies. Unexpectedly, figures like Soji Okita and John Manjiro entwine their fates with the duo. As the narrative twists, can Hayato achieve retribution, and who truly is Hearse? This chilling saga of the Bakumatsu Restoration unfolds with intrigue and bloodshed.