Aku naki Yoku no Sacrament
In my lackadaisical role as a part-time worker, I, Kensaku Serusumi, encounter the intriguing world of psychic abilities. Initially skeptical of the shady nature of an ability trading business, I soon find myself amused by the eccentric individuals drawn to supernatural powers. These abilities, born from deep desires and fleeting like temporary miracles, captivate many, sparking a desire for their acquisition. The Hishoku Shokai, where I am employed, facilitates the trade between those seeking to sell their powers and those eager to purchase them. Nestled in a quiet corner of Saitama, this small-scale establishment, manned by only the manager and myself, harbors ambitions of grandeur as we delve into the quest for unique abilities. As I contemplate the quest to find an ability holder for our endearing yet seemingly ineffectual manager, the allure of the psychic world beckons with its promise of mystery and intrigue.