In a distant era, individuals blessed with divine powers confront the malevolent Akuma creatures under the sinister Milenium Earl's command. These Akuma relentlessly pursue 'Innocence' fragments, crucial weapons against the Earl's nefarious agenda to trigger a catastrophic Great Flood. To thwart this apocalyptic threat, the Black Order emerges, a stalwart faction devoted to combatting the Earl's forces. Selecting Exorcists with the rare ability to wield Innocence, the Order rallies to defend against the Akuma incursion. Enter Allen Walker, a white-haired youth wielding an extraordinary Innocence embedded within his left arm and a mystical eye attuned to Akuma. Plunged into the Black Order in the late 19th century, Allen befriends a diverse array of allies such as the enigmatic Yuu Kanda, the compassionate Lenalee Lee, and the jovial yet enigmatic Lavi. Though their personalities diverge, united they stand with a singular purpose: to cleanse Akuma souls and thwart the Earl's malevolent designs on humanity's fate.