In the heart of the chaotic and brutal district known as Hole, where the powerful oppress the weak and violence is commonplace, magic reigns supreme. The magic users, viewing the residents of Hole as insignificant beings, subject them to ruthless experiments and violence without hesitation. Amid this lawless realm, Caiman, a man with reptilian features and immunity to magic, seeks vengeance against the magic users who curse him. With the help of his loyal friend Nikaidou, who runs the Hungry Bug restaurant, Caiman embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind his transformation. Dorohedoro unfolds in a dark and gritty world, blending humor with dark themes as it delves into the interconnected lives of Hole's inhabitants. This twisted tale explores a realm of horror and mystery, offering a unique and unsettling narrative for those willing to brave its grim depths.