Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Himatsubushi-hen
Experienced detective Mamoru Akasaka, accustomed to Tokyo's urban mysteries, finds himself thrust into the tranquil village of Hinamizawa on an unusual mission. Posing as a tourist, he explores the village's serenity while secretly investigating a child abduction. In Hinamizawa, a brewing conflict over a dam project puts Akasaka on a tightrope as he races to locate the kidnapped boy, whose captors demand the project's halt. With danger lurking, Akasaka leans on newfound ally Rika Furude, a perceptive young girl holding secrets that could alter their fates. Set before the events of Higurashi's main storyline, Himatsubushi-hen delves into Akasaka's journey through a village rife with adversaries and unexpected alliances.