Marie no Kanaderu Ongaku
In the bustling workshop town of Gil, renowned for its mechanical craftsmanship in the land of Piril, resides a populace immersed in simplicity and devoid of technological progress. Here, the inhabitants revere Marie, the mechanical Goddess overseeing Piril from the heavens. Pipi, the spirited daughter of Gil's premier mechanical artisan, thrives in this community alongside her childhood companion, Kai. Unlike the others, Kai possesses a remarkable gift to perceive sounds beyond human hearing, including the ethereal melodies attributed to Marie. These harmonious tones are believed to safeguard the tranquility of the realm. With each encounter, Kai's fascination with Marie intensifies, leading him to witness glimpses of himself through her mystical perspective. Through the enchanting journey of Kai and Pipi, 'Marie's Music Box' delves into themes of faith, innovation, and the pursuit of true happiness in a world where divine mechanics intertwine with mortal desires.