Natsume Yuujinchou
Fifteen-year-old Takashi Natsume yearns for a mundane existence, yet inherited from his late grandmother, Reiko, is the unsettling ability to perceive spirits known as 'youkai.' Unveiling a legacy left by Reiko, Natsume stumbles upon the 'Book of Friends,' a tome binding these youkai through unspoken pacts. Pursued by eager spirits seeking liberation from their dormant state, Natsume faces a mix of benevolent allies and malevolent threats. Enter Madara, a feline spirit camouflaged as a plump cat and dubbed Nyanko-sensei by Natsume. Serving as both protector and schemer, Madara aids Natsume in navigating the delicate balance between the human and spirit realms, all while imparting invaluable life lessons in this enchanting supernatural slice-of-life narrative.