Romantic Beauty
A compilation of five intriguing tales: 1. A heart-wrenching journey unfolds as Yuka, reeling from a public rejection by her crush, Takigawa-kun, strives to transform herself for a chance at love. Unexpected twists await her during a nostalgic school reunion. 2. Awakening to a strange situation, Ai finds herself entangled with a youthful admirer, Madoka, in a unique relationship dynamic that raises eyebrows among her peers. What lies beneath their roles as 'queen' and 'slave'? 3. Kazuko's nostalgic affection for her childhood sweetheart, Ryo, is tested when she discovers his changed persona and tangled relationships upon their reunion. Can their pure love withstand the test of time and circumstance? 4. Mochida grapples with unspoken feelings for Aoyama in the midst of changing classroom dynamics, hoping to bridge the gap before fate intervenes. 5. Yuna's encounters with her quiet classmate, Yuasa, on the train unravel a tale of unspoken gratitude and silent protection, hinting at a deeper connection beneath his stoic exterior. Each story delves into themes of love, transformation, and hidden emotions in the backdrop of everyday life.