In feudal Japan, the cruel daimyo Tadanaga Tokugawa organizes a shocking martial arts tournament with lethal weapons, disturbing even his most loyal followers. The initial duel features the one-armed Gennosuke Fujiki against the blind and crippled Seigen Irako, causing outrage among the audience who view their disabilities as disgraceful. Little do the onlookers know about the deep-seated animosity between Gennosuke and Seigen, rooted in their rivalry to inherit the deranged samurai Kogan Iwamoto's leadership at the infamous Kogan-ryuu dojo. What begins as a friendly competition for Kogan's favor and his daughter Mie escalates into a violent clash triggered by a disrespectful act towards their master, resulting in grave consequences for both warriors. 'Shigurui' recounts the fateful choices that drive Gennosuke and Seigen to a dire fate, shedding light on the harsh realities of samurai traditions that leave a trail of broken lives in their wake.