Monster Hunter Orage
In a world teeming with fantastical creatures, Shiki Ryuuhou is a skilled Monster Hunter trained in the art of teamwork by his late mentor, Gurelli Jescar. Seeking a partner at Akayama Town's Guild, Shiki crosses paths with the initially hesitant Irie Jescar, known for her reluctance to cooperate. Their dynamic shifts when Shiki rescues Irie from a Rathian, unveiling his status as a Forbidden Hunter with a singular ambition: to confront the fabled Miogaruna. Surprising Irie with his belief in the legendary beast, a notion shared only by her late father, Gurelli, the duo's bond deepens as they unite to honor Gurelli's dream. Together, they set forth on a monumental odyssey, forging alliances, encountering adversaries, and tracking down elusive monsters in pursuit of the mythical Miogaruna.