B-Chiku ♥
1. Fraeulein Assault follows a captivating storyline featured in Comic Megastore H, delving into the world of complex relationships and challenges. 2. Kuro Tights-sensei no Yuuutsu, known as the Melancholy of a Teacher in Black Tights, unveils a tale of melancholy and introspection. 3. Hatsu no Ecstasy, or First Ecstasy, explores themes of initial experiences and intense emotions in a thought-provoking narrative. 4. E-le-gy, with its enigmatic title, invites readers into a mysterious and intriguing world. 5. Engage x Insert combines elements of engagement and transformation in a unique and compelling storyline. 6. Absolute Normal presents a seemingly ordinary yet subtly profound journey through its narrative. 7. Kanojo ** Kibo na Shippai, translated as Her Grand-Scale Failure, delves into the complexities of personal growth and setbacks. 8. Omake no Supatchu, or Bonus Spatchu, offers an exclusive experience within the B-Chiku New Edition universe.