Crimson Shell
In the pursuit of eternal youth, a brilliant mad scientist cultivated a unique flower known as the 'Premier Rose,' embedding its seeds within humans. These 'Black Roses' harbored extraordinary abilities along with a dark compulsion to feed on others. Amidst these experiments, a 'defective failure' remained concealed, while Claudia, the enigmatic 'Rose Witch' or 'Crimson Rose,' defied the norm by rarely succumbing to her predatory nature. With the disappearance of the Rose creator, the research organization metamorphosed into 'Red Rose,' unveiling Claudia as their weapon against the Black Roses. Paired with her guardian, the enigmatic 'Thorn' Wilhelm, bound by a profound pact, and aligned with the covert 'Crimson-Shell' unit, Claudia faces internal treachery and the enigmatic 'Jet Rose,' leader of the Black Roses, in a quest for survival and truth.