Akuryou Series
In Ghost Hunt, Kazuya Shibuya, the head of the Shibuya Psychic Research Center (SPR), and high school student Mai Taniyama embark on thrilling paranormal investigations together. The tale kicks off with Mai sharing ghost stories with friends, only to be interrupted by a mysterious male student and a classmate's ominous warning. Intrigued by a haunted building, Mai steps inside and unwittingly becomes entangled in a ghostly affair. As fate would have it, she is coerced into assisting a man investigating the paranormal activities at her school, leading her to work under the enigmatic 'Naru,' the owner of SPR. Developing a complex relationship with Naru, Mai delves deeper into her own identity and emotions. With the help of Shibuya's aide Lin, the SPR team collaborates with spirit mediums and exorcists to tackle supernatural phenomena, unraveling mysteries and confronting otherworldly challenges.