1. In Shoujo Yuugi (Maiden Play), a girl living in the girls' dorm discovers her arousal triggers a unique situation when caught masturbating by her junior, leading to an unexpected exchange. 2. Doki Doki LOOSER SISTER follows Megu, a member of the library committee, as she delves into a world of temptation after being entrusted with disposing of adult material by her friend Miku. 3. Namonai Hi - simply wonderful - captures a tender moment between a couple amidst the tranquility of an August day at school. 4. CRAVING OF A Gene portrays the seemingly blissful life of a pregnant middle school teacher, Saeko, whose actions after a congratulatory call from a student raise questions about the true nature of her relationships. 5. GEMINi unfolds a chilling discovery by Misaki of a disturbing video tape in her home, prompting her to seek solace with Toono, only to unravel a series of unsettling events thereafter. 6. In cruel, a lawyer faces the repercussions of his past when convicts seek revenge on his family, unveiling a tale of betrayal and punishment. 7. after navigates the complex reunion between Makie and her former girlfriend, exploring unexpected desires and revelations amidst unresolved emotions. 8. NATIVE HEART follows Takato, a young man rediscovering his past and first love with the appearance of Lulu, a girl from a distant tribe in his home. 9. predation 10. birth-day 11. Yume to Kusari to... (Dreams and Chains) 12. NORMAL BLOOD