A compilation of engaging short stories unfolds various relationships and challenges. In one tale, childhood friends Hiroki and Kanna navigate a rocky friendship, with Hiroki always relying on Kanna for lunch and Kanna's tsundere nature. Another story follows the unbalanced dynamics between Hiroki and Kanna as they explore their feelings. Twin siblings, Momiji and Kaede, enlist help from Yasuyuki to improve their bandaging skills, leading to amusing entanglements. Asada finds herself falling for Takagi after witnessing his dedication to running practice. Dreams blur with reality as Asada envisions intimacy with Takagi. Shy Yuusuke admires his lively classmate Okuno from afar until a fateful visit to her home alters their dynamic. A tale of young love unfolds as Shou grapples with jealousy when his girlfriend, Mizuki, receives attention for helping him. The narrative takes a turn as Shou seizes control in a surprising twist. Seiji's jealousy over his smiling girlfriend, Maki, fuels a confrontation that leads to a heartfelt resolution. Lastly, Hiiragi and Usui, advisors of the cheerleading and soccer clubs respectively, navigate relationship struggles amidst misunderstandings and frustrations.