Golden Time
Tada Banri, a fresh face at a prestigious law school in Tokyo, gets disoriented right after the school's opening event, struggling to locate the freshman orientation. In a twist of fate, he stumbles upon another confused freshman, Yanagisawa Mitsuo, sparking an instant connection. Just in the nick of time, they find their way, only to encounter a stunning girl with a bouquet of roses. Surprisingly, she smacks Mitsuo with the flowers before handing them to him, cryptically congratulating him. This elegant lady happens to be none other than Mitsuo's childhood friend, Kaga Kouko, who once pledged to marry him. Mitsuo, attempting to evade her, had taken the entrance exam for the same law school in secret, yet Kouko manages to track him down at the freshman orientation, revealing she too passed the exam to be with him.