Devil Ecstasy
Haunted by a childhood trauma, Kusakabe Noboru, a first-year university student in Tokyo, harbors a deep fear of women, particularly those endowed with ample bosoms, rendering him hesitant to interact with them, let alone engage physically. Struggling with his virginity and unsuccessful attempts to converse with girls alongside his sole confidant, Takahashi, Noboru stumbles upon the imposing Devil Ecstasy establishment. Discovering its true nature as a brothel, Takahashi urges Noboru to seize the chance to shed their virgin status. Amidst their selections, Noboru, drawn to the demure Meruru, opts for her, contrasting with Takahashi's choice of the enticing Celine. Paralyzed by his longstanding phobia, Noboru's encounter remains uneventful, while Takahashi departs content. Tragedy strikes the following day with Takahashi's mysterious demise, revealing a chilling reality: the alluring women of Devil Ecstasy are succubi, draining the vitality and essence of unsuspecting men who venture near the ominous brothel.