Ai no Konseki: Yajuu Gunsou to Aigan Guni
In the intense and popular ninja series 'Kirigakure no Koi,' two captivating stories unfold. In 'Ai no Konseki - Yajuu Gunsou to Aigan Guni,' the army physician Misono encounters the rugged Sergeant Kizaki on the southern frontline. A bombing incident leads to a life-saving yet complicated encounter between them, blurring the lines of trust and desire. Meanwhile, in 'Kirigakure no Koi' (Love in the Dense Fog), the young ninja Mozu faces a perilous task of eliminating Tobimaru, a rumored defector. To succeed, Mozu must navigate a treacherous path guided by his master, Kirimaru, who imparts unconventional lessons on seduction and espionage.