Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Freshly released from a puzzling prison term, young Yotarou faces a bleak future without kin. Seeking refuge with the eminent rakugo master Yakumo Yuurakutei, Yotarou dives headfirst into the world of comedic Japanese storytelling. Against all odds, Yakumo agrees to mentor Yotarou, a rare gesture for the master who shuns apprentices. With the addition of Konatsu, a complex young woman in their midst, the trio embarks on a journey to revitalize the fading art of rakugo in the waning Shouwa era. Yet, as bonds deepen, unsettling shadows from both Yakumo and Konatsu's pasts surface, casting a pall over their shared pursuit. Despite the looming tensions, Yotarou remains undaunted, unwavering in his determination to carve out a new legacy as a rakugo maestro.