Junai Mellow
1. A quirky tale titled ±LOVE unravels, featuring Akane who, after accidentally damaging Takeru's computer, offers to step into the role of the heroine in his manga. 2. Witness the unexpected turn of events in Wazawai Tenjite Neko to Naru as Asuka engages in online intimacy with her childhood friend Ryou, leading to a surprising confession. 3. Dive into the world of Soushi Souai where teacher Kurosaki Mio finds herself in a peculiar situation after making a daring promise to her student Aiba Satoru. 4. Explore the boundary-pushing narrative of Chiteki Koukishin, where Mishima Shouko's discovery of her boyfriend's unconventional interests takes her on a thrilling journey of exploration. 5. LIKE A CHILD delves into the story of Kouji and Kana, who, after leaving a party early, find themselves in a revealing moment that challenges their dynamic. 6. Experience the intriguing encounter in Yuka, where Ken's visit to his relatives leads to unexpected confessions and desires. 7. Junketsu Before After follows the journey of teacher Kannari Imaichi as he confronts the rebellious Tougoh Hime at Tousou Private Academy. 8. Gogo no Kouchou delves into Mizuno Yayoi's playful escapade and the unexpected encounter with Okajima Naoki. 9. Mikawaya desu explores the story of aspiring lawyer Nakaoka Akira and his unlikely friendship with beer delivery person Mikawa Akemi. 10. Sonogo no Hime-chan portrays the evolving dynamics between Hime-chan and Imaichi in a post-transformation world.