The Book: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 4th Another Day

The Book: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 4th Another Day


Set in Morioh during the year 2000, the novel follows Takuma Hasumi, a new character wielding a Stand named The Book, which can document his experiences. Contrary to expectations, Josuke and the Part IV heroes are cast as antagonists in this tale. The narrative unfolds three days before the end of winter break, as Koichi and Rohan stumble upon a bloodied cat near a convenience store. Their investigation leads them to a peculiar corpse in a nearby residence. Through the supernatural powers of Heaven's Door, they uncover a vital clue: 'a male student bearing red scratches beneath his arm.' As the mystery deepens, a three-month journey commences to unravel the enigmatic events of that fateful day.

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