Yoshifumi Nitta, a mid-level yakuza member, has his world turned upside down when a mysterious capsule collides with his head, setting off a series of bizarre events. What he initially dismisses as a dream becomes a surreal reality as the capsule releases a young girl named Hina, who possesses telekinetic powers. Despite his attempts to distance himself from Hina, Yoshifumi finds himself reluctantly assuming the role of her guardian. As Hina nonchalantly lounges at home, Yoshifumi unexpectedly ascends within the yakuza ranks thanks to her extraordinary abilities. The unconventional partnership between Hina and Yoshifumi unfolds in Hinamatsuri, a blend of comedy and chaos as Hina's antics draw in a mix of new companions and familiar faces. Balancing Hina's care, concealing her powers, and managing his yakuza responsibilities, Yoshifumi navigates this strange new chapter in their intertwined lives.