RDG: Red Data Girl
In a contemporary fantasy drawing from Japanese Shinto folklore, Suzuhara Izumiko, a timid 15-year-old girl raised in a secluded shrine in the Kumano mountains, possesses a unique ability to inadvertently destroy all electronic devices she touches. Encouraged by her guardian Sagara Yukimasa, Izumiko contemplates leaving the mountains for city life, prompting Yukimasa to enroll her in a Tokyo high school against her wishes, with his son Miyuki begrudgingly assigned to be her lifelong servant. Despite their initial animosity, the dynamic between Miyuki and Izumiko shifts following a harrowing incident during a school trip. It is revealed that Izumiko is the last vessel (yorishiro) of the Himegami goddess, while Miyuki discovers his role as her protector, a Yamabushi. As their intertwined destinies unfold, the pair navigate newfound responsibilities and a deepening connection.