Koe no Katachi
In his youth, Shouya Ishida faces a troublesome dilemma when a deaf student, Shouko Nishimiya, enters his life. Despite her earnest efforts to connect with her peers, Shouko unwittingly becomes a target for Shouya and his friends, leading to relentless teasing and harassment. As the situation escalates, the teachers turn a blind eye to the injustice. Only when Shouko transfers does the truth surface, leaving Shouya isolated and blamed by his classmates. Subsequently, he experiences the harsh consequences of bullying, enduring years of solitude and scorn. Years later, as a high schooler, Shouya encounters Shouko once more after a long separation. Haunted by his past transgressions, Shouya embarks on a journey of redemption and self-confrontation, braving numerous challenges in his quest for forgiveness and healing.