Black Clover
In a magical realm where power reigns supreme, Asta, a spirited orphan devoid of magical abilities, aspires to become the Wizard King, the pinnacle of mage strength in the Clover Kingdom. His rival and childhood companion, Yuno, possesses formidable wind magic, setting them apart. Determined to bridge this magical chasm and fulfill his dream, Asta tirelessly hones his physical skills. As they approach the pivotal age of 15, when individuals receive their Grimoires to unleash their magical prowess, Yuno acquires a rare four-leaf clover Grimoire, a testament to his exceptional talent. Meanwhile, Asta, still devoid of magic, faces a moment of despair at the ceremony. Witnessing Yuno's Grimoire being targeted, Asta, despite his lack of power, valiantly steps in. His unwavering resolve in the face of adversity awakens a unique five-leaf clover Grimoire, defying all expectations.