Fire Punch
In a desolate world consumed by ice and snow, civilization teeters on the edge of collapse under the shadow of the enigmatic Ice Witch. Amidst the chaos and cruelty bred by the unrelenting cold, a society grapples with cults, violence, and the ruthless persecution of the 'Blessed'—individuals gifted with extraordinary abilities. Within this harsh reality, Agni and Luna, two siblings blessed with regenerative powers, find solace in each other's company within a community of elders, their bond a beacon of warmth amidst the frigid despair. However, their fragile peace is shattered when the merciless army commander, Doma, razes their sanctuary to the ground, leaving Agni's cherished sister among the casualties. Agni, fueled by unquenchable revenge and his inexplicable ability to withstand the unending inferno of Doma's flames, embarks on a journey of retribution across the icy wasteland. Enduring a decade of agonizing torment, Agni's resolve remains unyielding as he vows to avenge his sister's tragic demise and confront the malevolent Doma.