In the world of high school, Keisuke Hara, known for his straightforward nature and kind heart, shares a tight bond with the handsome Masayuki Shinoda, affectionately nicknamed 'Shinohara' by their peers. Amidst the whirlwind of school and family obligations, Keisuke diligently supports his sister, his only remaining family member. A seemingly ordinary morning takes an unexpected turn when Keisuke's sister confesses to wearing his jersey to bed, sparking a minor annoyance within him. However, the real surprise comes to light during physical education class when Keisuke discovers his sister's pantyhose discreetly tucked inside his pants, mistakenly worn by him. Swift to act, Masayuki guides his friend to the infirmary to avoid unwanted attention. Alone in the quiet room, Masayuki's fascination with Keisuke's legs ensconced in the alluring black nylon becomes evident, leading Keisuke to confront his friend's peculiar fetish before their relationship takes an unforeseen and challenging turn.