Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation
At Hope's Peak Academy, renowned for its exceptional students known as 'ultimates,' a regular boy named Makoto Naegi is unexpectedly chosen to join as the 'Ultimate Lucky Student.' But his excitement fades when he and his classmates are suddenly thrust into a life-or-death situation. Trapped within the school by the enigmatic Monokuma, a bear with a penchant for sadistic games, they learn that escape hinges on committing the perfect murder. If the culprit goes undetected, they can leave unscathed, but if caught, they will face a gruesome execution. As the class grapples with this horrifying ultimatum, they must unravel the mysteries shrouding Hope's Peak Academy and confront the dark truth lurking beneath the surface. Survival demands cunning, fortune, and above all, unwavering hope amidst a game of betrayal and despair.