Nogawa Izumi is a diligent student and class representative with an unusual secret - a surging libido. To satisfy her desires, she fakes illness to slip away to the nurse's office for moments of self-indulgence. However, her erotic nature takes on a new significance when Earth faces an invasion by aliens disguised as anthropomorphic animals. Surprisingly, Izumi's intense sexual energy might hold the key to defending the planet. After a close encounter with the aliens, she is rescued by Usayama, a rabbit-like alien seeking redemption for his kind's past actions. Usayama equips Izumi with a provocative swimsuit that enhances her combat abilities but also fuels her unyielding arousal. As a mysterious organization recognizes Izumi's unique capabilities, they enlist her to combat the alien threat. Can Izumi harness her unconventional strengths to become Earth's unlikely savior?