Tengoku ni Namida wa Iranai
Koreo, a high school student from a lineage with supernatural abilities, utilizes his spectral powers for various odd jobs that conventional services cannot handle. When tasked with dispelling a curse in his school's classroom by summoning a Seraphim named Abdiel, Koreo realizes the situation is spiraling out of control. As Koreo and Abdiel work together to uncover the curse's origins, they trace it back to a seemingly innocent girl at school named Tama, who is revealed to be a mischievous devil in a young girl's form. However, complications arise when Abdiel, a devoted follower of Koreo but also a notorious lolicon, fixates on Tama, prompting Koreo to safeguard her virtue from his advances. Despite Abdiel's charismatic appeal and effortless charm with other girls, his unwavering interest in Tama keeps Koreo on his toes throughout the series.