Isekai Shokudou
Nestled in the bustling shopping district adjacent to the corporate hub, a quaint eatery named 'Youshoku no Nekoya' operates discreetly beneath a dog-emblazoned sign. Serving as a haven for local white-collar workers for half a century, this deceptively labeled western-style diner offers a diverse array of culinary delights beyond its facade. To the denizens of this peculiar realm, this establishment stands out as their sole cherished dining spot. Yet, a clandestine truth shrouds 'Nekoya'—shutting its doors every Saturday to welcome enigmatic visitors. When the chime tolls, patrons of varied origins and races materialize, craving exotic and tantalizing dishes unfamiliar in their homelands. These whimsical guests, though served the same fare as the salarymen, perceive the flavors through an otherworldly lens. Revered for its culinary ingenuity, this eatery is renowned as the 'alternate-world restaurant.' As the bell signals another extraordinary week, anticipation fills the air once more.