Nogi Wakaba wa Yuusha de Aru
As the world faces imminent collapse from monstrous creatures known as Vertexes descending from the skies, two regions, Shikoku and Nagano, stand resilient amidst the chaos. Gifted girls, identified as Heroes, awaken with divine powers bestowed by earthly gods to combat these destructive beings sent by celestial deities. Supported by shrine maidens attuned to divine voices, the Heroes, including the resolute Wakaba Nogi, emerge as humanity's sole defenders against the Vertexes' onslaught. Leading the inaugural Hero Team in Shikoku, Wakaba's unwavering determination to avenge the innocent fuels her charismatic leadership. Together, Wakaba and her comrades navigate the harsh reality, strengthening their bonds while confronting the relentless challenges posed by the Vertexes in their valiant quest to safeguard what little remains of civilization.