Ecstas Online
In the midst of his school's lowest social tier, Kakeru Doumeguri undergoes a transformative experience, reborn as the formidable Dark Lord Helschaft within the virtual realm of 'Exodia Exodus.' Balancing between his human and virtual identities, Kakeru finds himself entwined with Ririko Asagiri, his long-time crush, and her classmates, all ensnared within the game's confines. With a shared determination to defeat Helschaft and return to reality, a delicate dilemma emerges: should Helschaft perish, everyone's fate hangs in the balance. As alliances form and conflicts ignite, Kakeru/Helschaft navigates treacherous battles against familiar faces like Shuuko Aikawa, his real-world superior turned virtual servant, and Non Shizukuishi, a sharp-witted enigma drawn to the mysterious Dark Lord.