Shichisei no Subaru
In the famed MMORPG 'Union,' a renowned party called Subaru, comprised of childhood friends with exceptional skills in the game's Sense system, rose to prominence swiftly. Tragedy struck when a player perished in-game, leading to Union's closure. Years later, Haruto Amou, once a vital member of Subaru, now drifts through high school aimlessly, devoid of friends or purpose. Encouraged by a classmate, he logs into the new Re'Union game, where he encounters a surreal 'reunion' with Asahi Kuga, his former in-game comrade and real-life childhood friend presumed dead. Bewildered by her unexpected presence, Haruto questions his sanity and reality, contemplating if she's a glitch or his imagination. Yet, Asahi appears tangible within the game, sparking a new saga as their paths intertwine once more.