Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken OVA
In the bustling town of Tempest, Rimuru notices a lack of recreational activities and proposes a lively sumo wrestling tournament. Excitement fills the air as friends like Benimaru, Shuna, and Shion eagerly join the competition for the coveted prize. Amidst the spirited matches, Rimuru himself jumps into the ring, adding to the thrill. Meanwhile, a playful idea to create body doubles for Shuna and Shion leads Rimuru on a quest for materials, sparking unexpected adventures. As he sets out to gather special sand, a chance encounter with a monster and the sudden arrival of the spirited Milim spice up the journey. Transitioning to his role as a teacher at Freedom Academy, Rimuru embarks on an outdoor training event with his students. Assigned to Class A, Rimuru and his pupils face a challenging twist when their journey to a nearby town is disrupted by a bandit ambush, testing their mettle and skills.